GAUGE: Attitude Indicator
Gauge v2.11.001 - Current Version 12th Feb 2024

1) Attitude Ball indicating Pitch and Bank.
2) Pitch Scale toggle 0-25 or 0-50
3) Level flight confirmation LED.
4) Optional panel light switching
5) Nav1 & Nav2 Signal indicator
6) Com1 & Com2 Selector indicator
7) Mini Menu
8) Com1 / Com2 switch + Com 1 Active & Standby
9) Nav1 / Nav2 Signal Morse Listen Switch
10) Optional glass reflections
11) Optional Slip Indicator ([S6] or via menu)
12) Brightness Control (Physical FIP)

Aircraft Compatibility:
Simulator: Fully Compatible
3rd Party: Fully Compatible
Please report any 3rd Party incompatibility via our discord channel

Buttons & Dials Summary:
[S1] Toggle Ball Direction (xplane- Beta):
[S2] VOR1 Ident On/Off:
[S3] VOR2 Ident On/Off:
[S4] COM1 is Active:
[S5] COM2 is Active:
[S6] Toggle Turn Gauge/Toggle Pitch Scale (long Press):
[L Dial] Menu Value Down/Up:
[R Dial] Menu Left/Right:

About Attitude Indicator:
This is my take on the standard Attitude style gauge and is used to check aircraft climb and roll, also known are an artificial horizon. It also come with two attitude ball scales 0-50 (default) and 0-25

The Main Gauge:
The face consists of the attitude gauge and slip indicators. An optional slip indicator ball can be turned on an off also.
This gauge will switch off electrical components when the aircraft bus voltage drops to zero or if the aircraft bus voltage drops below FG_GLOBAL_MIN_VOLTAGE value if set.

The Sidebar:
Shows Nav and Com radio frequencies in addition to showing the status of Nav and Com signals.
When the NAV 1 & NAV 2 Antennas are lit the signal is being received and when the pings are lit this means the Morse Code sound will be heard if tuned and in range.
The COM2 & COM2 lights shows the currently active COM radio
You can also change the foreground and background of the Radio values. The on and Off values determine colours when power is on and when power is off when checked against (FG_GLOBAL_MIN_VOLTAGE)
Default Colours: (Red on Black)
    "FG_PROFILE_LED_COLOUR_BACK_OFF"    Value="#000000"
    "FG_PROFILE_LED_COLOUR_BACK_ON"     Value="#000000"
    "FG_PROFILE_LED_COLOUR_FORE_OFF"    Value="#000000"
    "FG_PROFILE_LED_COLOUR_FORE_ON"     Value="#dd0000"
LCD Style:
    "FG_PROFILE_LED_COLOUR_BACK_OFF"    Value="#889988"
    "FG_PROFILE_LED_COLOUR_BACK_ON"     Value="#99aa99"
    "FG_PROFILE_LED_COLOUR_FORE_OFF"    Value="#889988"
    "FG_PROFILE_LED_COLOUR_FORE_ON"     Value="#000000"
Use the above or create your own. Edit variables in the data monitor and they will be saved in your profile.
In data monitor click [Add Data] and Search for "LED_COLOUR". Select all 4 colour variables and click [OK]. Click on values to edit.
If the blanking plate is used instead of the sidebar, then colour of the plate can now be changed by editing variable [FG_GLOBAL_BLANKING_COLOUR] in SPAD.neXt data monitor.

Buttons & Dials Details:
[S1] Toggle Menu Values:
Toggle Ball Direction (xplane- Beta)
[S2] VOR1 Ident On/Off:
Turns on and off the Audible NAV 1 Sound.
[S3] VOR2 Ident On/Off:
Turns on and off the Audible NAV 2 Sound.
[S4] COM1 is Active:
Makes COM1 the active COM Radio.
[S5] COM2 is Active:
Makes COM2 the active COM Radio.
[S6] Short Press - Toggle Turn Gauge:
This toggles the optional turn indicator on the main gauge on and off.
[S6] Long Press - Pitch Scale
This toggles the Pitch Scale between 0-50 and 0-25
[L Dial] Menu Value Down/Up:
Used to increase or decrease the function of the selected menu option.
[R Dial] Menu Left/Right:
Used to activate the Mini Menu and scroll between the various menu options.

The Mini Menu:
(Activated with [R Dial])
Version & Info:
Turn left dial clockwise to turn on and counter clockwise to turn off current version number and other useful links.
Side Buttons:
Turn left dial clockwise to turn on and counter clockwise to turn off side buttons.
COM 1 or COM 2:
Turn left dial counter clockwise to activate COM1 and clockwise to activate COM2.
Listen to NAV 1:
Turn left dial clockwise to turn on and counter clockwise to turn off side NAV1 Listen to Morse Code.
Listen to NAV 2:
Turn left dial clockwise to turn on and counter clockwise to turn off side NAV2 Listen to Morse Code.
Turn Guide:
Turn left dial clockwise to turn on and counter clockwise to turn off main gauge turn guide.
Pitch Scale:
Turn left dial clockwise to set pitch Scale 0-50 and counter clockwise to set pitch scale 0-25
Glass Reflection:
Turn left dial clockwise to turn on and counter clockwise to turn off optional glass reflections. This is a global setting so all gauges that have this function will turn on and off in sync.
Background Colour:
Left dial will change colour styles to the following
     0 = Grey
     1 = Black Dial Face
     2 = Darker Gauge & Dial Face
     3 = Black & No Gauge GFX
     4 = Grey - Original Design
     5 = Black Dial Face - Original Design
     6 = Darker Gauge & Dial Face - Original Design
Turn left Dial clockwise to increase gauge brightness and counter clockwise to decrease gauge brightness. This will adjust the brightness of all gauges at the same time.

     Side Buttons (Off = 0, On = 1)
     Menu Item Index (0 to 12)
     0 = Menu Off
     1 = Version & Info
     2 = Side Buttons
     3 = COM1 or COM2
     4 = Listen NAV1
     5 = Listen NAV2
     6 = Slip Guide
     7 = Pitch Scale
     8 = Glass Reflection
     9 = Background Colour
   10 = LCD - LED - Custom Colours
   11 = Brightness Control
   12 = Panel Lights control
     If Menu Preview Mode is Active (Off = 0, On = 1)
     Slip Indicator (Off = 0, On = 1)
     Pitch Scale (0-50 = 0, 0-25 = 1)
     Side Button Labels (Off = 0, On = 1)
     Instructions Page (Off = 0, On = 1)
     Foreground colour of fonts while power is on (default = "#dd0000")
     Background colour of fonts while power is on (default = "#000000")
     Foreground colour of fonts while power is off (default = "#000000")
     Background colour of fonts while power is off (default = "#000000")
     Foreground colour of fonts while power is on (default = "#00DD00")
     Background colour of fonts while power is on (default = "TRANSPARENT")
     Foreground colour of fonts while power is off (default = "#001100")
     Background colour of fonts while power is off (default = "TRANSPARENT")
     Side panel LED Style Index (1 - 3)
     1 = LED Style
     2 = LCD Style (Default)
     3 = Custom
(Attitude indicator bank degrees,degrees,0.1)
(Attitude indicator pitch degrees,degrees,0.1)
(Turn coordinator ball,position)
(Attitude indicator bank degrees,radians)
(NAV HAS NAV:1,Bool)
(NAV SOUND:1,Bool)
(NAV HAS NAV:2,Bool)
(NAV SOUND:2,Bool)
(not all vars used in every gauge)
     Variable used for dial acceleration (Off = 0, On = 1)
     Brightness value of physical FIP's. Affects all physical gauges (20-250)
     Variable used when editing Global or individual Brightness (0-1)
     0 - Global Brightness
     1 - Inedividual Brightness
     Text Variable used to set blanking plate colour
     Glass Reflection (Off = 0, On = 1)
     Toggle visibility of Mini Menu LED (0 = On, 1 = Off)
     Background Colour (0 to 3)
     1 = Grey panel with grey gauge face
     2 = Blue grey panel with grey gauge face
     3 = Dark grey panel with black gauge face
     4 = Dark blue panel with black gauge face.  
     Background Colour (Black = 0, Blue = 1 )
     Minimum voltage before gauge electronics turns off (-1 to 150)
     -1 = Disabled
     0 - 150 = Off Voltage Level
     Internal Variable - Used to store off voltage value - do not edit
     Night Lit Mode (Off = 0, On = 1)
     Shared variable for switching inHg and MB (0 to 1)
     0 = inHg
     1 = Millbars
  Background Colour (0 to 6)
     0 = Grey
     1 = Black Dial Face
     2 = Darker Gauge & Dial Face
     3 = Black & No Gauge GFX
     4 = Grey - Original Design
     5 = Black Dial Face - Original Design
     6 = Darker Gauge & Dial Face - Original Design
     Internal variable used to read current voltage

Release Notes:
2.11.001 - Using New Sidebar Button and Labels Code (4 display options now also) - blank sidebar custom colour
     - 1) SPAD.neXt 0.9.15 Compatibility (Convert "PRESS" to "PRESSSHORT") Fixes short and long press both firing on long press.
     - 2) New gauge brightness code using SPAD brightness variables.
     - 3) Can control global or individual gauge brightness in gauge (Profile saved settings)
     - 4) Better use of button lights
2.10.002 - SPAD.neXt 0.9.13 Compatibility (Author ID)
2.10.001 - Fixed bug in one of the pitch ranges not working as per the displayed range
2.10.000 - New Menu System. Fix Epsilion not working causing no movement on Attitude indications.
2.9.000 - Various updates
     - 1) New Custom Virtual Power supports ALL aircraft volt variables - See
     - 2) Optomised code for Level flight indcator (Green LED).
     - 3) Replaced Radians code with degrees.
     - 4) Centered Attitude graphics better.
2.8.003 - SPAD.neXt detected code format errors fixed
2.8.002 - Virtual Power Warning added to Menu
2.8.001 - Added Blanking Plate to Left Sidebar options
2.8.000 - Added New Gauge Design and Panel Lighting control in Mini Menu
2.7.002 - Support for NEW 4 colour hue panel lights.
2.7.001 - Tweaked voltage monitoring to better support MSFS2020. Added Monitoring for Battery Bus
2.7.000 - SPAD.neXt 0.9.7.x Custom Font Colours
2.6.000 - Beta Added reverse direction for turn ball for some xplane aircraft - [S1]
2.5.000 - Left dial now adjusts the attitude crossbar height
2.4.002 - Brightness control Sync (All Gauges same brightness Value)
2.4.001 - Added brightness control to mini menu.
2.4.000 - Panel Lights now controlled by local variable (FG_GLOBAL_PANEL_LIGHTS) 0=Off 1=On
2.3.001 - Fixed missing menu graphics for Pitch Scale
2.3.000 - Added 2nd Attitude Ball smaller scale 0-25 degrees Toggle with [S6 Long Press] or change in Mini menu
2.2.001 - Total re-coding of all rotations from radians to degrees, smoother movement (not limited to 360 steps). New file format (snp)
2.1.000 - Resized Text to become compliant with SPAD.neXt text scaling changes
2.0.000 - New colour schemes available in mini menu.
1.7.000 - Slip Guide added to Gauge (turn on in menu)
1.6.000 - Improved graphics with shadows and transparency, Optional glass reflections. Number tapes replaced with text elements.
1.5.001 - Added Profile Saved Variables
1.5.000 - Added Button control of Ident and Active Com S1-S4
1.4.000 - Added integrated Side Buttons (SPAD.neXt 0.9.x)
1.3.000 - Added Nav & Com Functions (SPAD.neXt 0.9.x)
1.2.000 - Added panel Lighting
1.1.000 - Public Release
1.0.000 - Initial Build

Please report any bugs or feature requests via our discord channel

Document Published 12/02/2024

Copyright 12/02/2024