GAUGE: B737 Air Systems
Gauge v2.0.002 - Current Version 16th Feb 2024

This gauge is for MSFS 2020 PMDG 737 only
1) Two pages for setting all Air Systems
2) Can display each page on a different FIP
3) Set Left & Right Pack Switches
4) Set Left & Right Engine Bleed Switches
5) Set APU Bleed Switch
6) Set Isolation Valve Switch
7) Duct Pressure Gauge
8) Push Button for Trip Reset
9) Push Button for Overhead Heat Test
10) Left & Right Recirc Fan Switches
11) Brightness control (Physical FIP)
12) Optional Glass Reflections
Used to assist in starting engines also, saves messing around with 3d cockpit overhead views while setting the bleed switches.

Aircraft Compatibility:
Simulator: Not Compatible
3rd Party: Fully Compatible

Buttons & Dials Summary:
[S1] Mini Menu:
[S2] Over Head Light Test Switch:
[S3] Toggle Highlight Colour:
[S6] Menu Virtual Power Toggle:
[L Dial] Set Selected Function On/Off:
[R Dial] Select previous/next function:

About B737 Air Systems:
This gauge is for the PMDG 737 only and emulates the PMDG 737 Air Systems Panel on the overhead.

The Main Gauge:
2 page gauge that can be loaded on two FIP's and have separate displays

Buttons & Dials Details:
[S1] Mini Menu:
This is used to activate/deactivate the Mini Menu as the [R Dai] is used for gauge functions
[S2] Activate PMDG Mode:
This is used to toggle the aircraft compatibility mode to "PMDG 737" i.e. FG_GLOBAL_AIRCRAFT = "2"
[S3] Over Head Light Test Switch:
This toggles the Over Head Light Test feature [PMDG737:1000:013C] on and off in the aircraft.
[L Dial] Set Selected Function On/Off:
[R Dial] Select previous/next function:

The Mini Menu:
Version & Info:
Turn left dial clockwise to turn on and counter clockwise to turn off current version number and other useful links.
Aircraft Compatibility Mode:
Switch between SIM and PMDG737 compatibility.
OVH Light Test:
This toggles the Over Head Light Test feature [PMDG737:1000:013C] on and off in the aircraft.
Turn left Dial clockwise to increase gauge brightness and counter clockwise to decrease gauge brightness. This will adjust the brightness of all gauges at the same time.

     Menu Item Index (0 to 7)
     0 = Menu Closed
     1 = Version & Info
     2 = Highlight Colour
     3 = Highlight Timeout
     4 = Captain Light Test
     5 = Glass Reflections
     6 = Brightness Control
     7 = Panel Lights
     If Menu Preview Mode is Active (Off = 0, On = 1)
     Selected Control index number (-2 to 7)
    -2 = Left Fan
    -1 = Right Fan
     0 = Overhead Test Button
     1 = Left Pack
     2 = Isolation Valve
     3 = Right Pack
     4 = Trip Reset
     5 = Bleed Switch 1
     6 = APU Bleed
     7 = Bleed Switch 2
     Control selection highlight Colour Index (0 to 4)
     0 = Blue
     1 = Yellow
     2 = Red
     3 = Green
     4 = White
     Internal var Highlight Display Status (Off = 0, On = 1)
     Internal var to measure highlight off time - do not edit
    Hightlight Timout in Seconds (0 to 60)
PMDG Vars Used:
PMDGNG3:0000:00BB (Left Fan)
PMDGNG3:0000:00BC (Right Fan)
PMDGNG3:0000:00BD (Left Pack)
PMDGNG3:0000:00C2 (Isolation Valve)
PMDGNG3:0000:00BE (Right Pack)
PMDGNG3:0000:00BF (Bleed Switch 1)
PMDGNG3:0000:00C1 (APU Bleed)
PMDGNG3:0000:00C0 (Bleed (Switch 2)
PMDGNG3:0000:01C4 (Duck Pressure Right)
PMDGNG3:0000:01C0 (Duck Pressure Left) GLOBAL VARIABLES:
(not all vars used in every gauge)
     Variable used for dial acceleration (Off = 0, On = 1)
     Brightness value of physical FIP's. Affects all physical gauges (20-250)
     Variable used when editing Global or individual Brightness (0-1)
     0 - Global Brightness
     1 - Inedividual Brightness
     Glass Reflection (Off = 0, On = 1)
     Toggle visibility of Mini Menu LED (0 = On, 1 = Off)
     Background Colour (0 to 3)
     1 = Grey panel with grey gauge face
     2 = Blue grey panel with grey gauge face
     3 = Dark grey panel with black gauge face
     4 = Dark blue panel with black gauge face.  
     Background Colour (Black = 0, Blue = 1 )
     Minimum voltage before gauge electronics turns off (-1 to 150)
     -1 = Disabled
     0 - 150 = Off Voltage Level
     Internal Variable - Used to store off voltage value - do not edit
     Night Lit Mode (Off = 0, On = 1)
     Shared variable for switching inHg and MB (0 to 1)
     0 = inHg
     1 = Millbars
  Background Colour (0 to 6)
     0 = Grey
     1 = Black Dial Face
     2 = Darker Gauge & Dial Face
     3 = Black & No Gauge GFX
     4 = Grey - Original Design
     5 = Black Dial Face - Original Design
     6 = Darker Gauge & Dial Face - Original Design
     Internal variable used to read current voltage

Release Notes:
     - 1) SPAD.neXt 0.9.15 Compatibility (Convert "PRESS" to "PRESSSHORT") Fixes short and long press both firing on long press.
     - 2) New gauge brightness code using SPAD brightness variables.
     - 3) Can control global or individual gauge brightness in gauge (Profile saved settings)
     - 4) Better use of button lights
2.0.001 - SPAD.neXt 0.9.13 Compatibility (Author ID)
2.0.000 - First release of Version 2 for MSFS PMDG

Please report any bugs or feature requests via our discord channel

Document Published 16/02/2024

Copyright 16/02/2024